Report by W. J. LOWRY, M.B.E., Chairman & Hon. Sec. Civil Service Am. W/L. Assoc.
P. Lathrope, of the G.P.O. (Engineers) Solihull, Warwickshire, created new and rare records on the "Two Hands Anyhow with dumbells" at the Camberwell Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Club on Saturday, January 23rd, 1965.
The record breaker, unable to secure adjudication on his feats locally, accepted the kind invitation of Mr. A. J. Mannix, B.E.M., Principal of the Club, to attend a Saturday afternoon session in order to secure official recognition of his prowess. Accordingly he travelled on Saturday and I had the pleasure of adjudicating jointly with "Jimmie" (as he seems now so well known).
Lathrope weighed in at 10st. 11lb. and commenced with 1773lb. with his "warmup" lift on the two dumbells. This initial warm-up constituted new 11st. and 12st. records-exceeding the old figures of 165 lb. and 1691b. for the two class weights respectively.
Encouraged by his initial success, he attempted an increase to 188 lb. with which poundage he proved completely successful-assisted by A. J. Mannixhe earned verdicts of approval from each of us.
The unusualness of the feat lines in the "style" which is akin to the old
Veteran of 59 Creates Extraordinary. New Record
THE EVENT for which so many admirers of J. E. H. Assirati, of the Mount Pleasant P.O. have been waiting for many months. past, happened in real earnest on January 26th, 1965, in the Mount Pleasant Athletic Gym.
On that date, with the lift adjudicated upon by a National Referee of the Society. of Amateur Weightlifters, Assirati, at bodyweight of 10st. 134lb., lifted a pound-
"SANDOW" method of lifting with unequally loaded dumbells. Regrettably, he had some stiffness in his right shoulder and, therefore, refrained from "bent pressing" the larger of the two bells but jerked it from the right shoulder aided by his left hand-permissible in this "anyhow" type of lift.
Thus the larger of the two bells weighed The 132lb. and the small bell 56 lb. larger bell was elevated to right arm's length without trouble, but the smaller bell of 56 lb. proved a little awkward but nevertheless determination enabled him to complete the lift despite a crudity of style which certainly did not aid him in his task.
There is no doubt that, with this particular and now rare style of lifting, there seems no reason why he should not increase to 2001b. within a few months. He is strong but unskilled and a little advice I was able to give him re the W. A. Pullum method of lifting the smaller of the two bells should enable him to jump at least 10lb. on that and at least another 20lb. on the heavier-all within the year of 1965.
I hope he yields to persuasion and competes in the 1965 Civil Service Strength Championships due at Mount Pleasant P.O. on 19/3/65, all classes from 8st. to Heavyweights.
age of 2021b. on the recognised feat of strength known as the Pull Over and Press on Back.
The new poundage creates a new 11st. Civil Service Record and exceeded the old record of 2014lb. held to the credit of A. W. Fix, G.P.O., since July 4th, 1952. That excess over the old record is not much. What is extraordinary lies in the fact that the new record holder is over 59 years of age-due to retire from the Civil Service in May, 1965.
Assirati has devoted so much his career in coaching and training others that he has consistently neglected to concern himself about personal awards so often open to him during his career. "
Much could be reported about his career and, I am afraid I simply do not have all the material at my disposal. Suffice to state, however, that in addition to being a Senior Coach and National Referee, he also holds a diploma of the Army Physical Training Corps.
See page 37
By Frank Norton (Hoffman)
IT IS always a pleasure to cross the gleaming silver road bridge over the Forth, but more so when visiting the Rosyth Club which, though not large, has the warmth, sparkle and drive which is sometimes all too visibly lacking in Scottish clubs.
Judging, or rather refereeing the W/L contest was president John Clements, of the Edinburgh Civil Service Club and on the Austin handicap formula. Micky Baird came top with 510.3251b.; second Bill MacArthur with 499.1lb.; and third Ernie Fulham with 546.31b.
from page 36
This last minute effort is obviously aimed to provide belated proof that he would have been a real force in the world of weights some 20 years ago had he spent his own time in his own interests.
It gives me much personal satisfaction so to prove the point and conveys much pleasure to so many of his old-time friends and personal admirers.
There is no doubt that we shall now have a flood of fiercely determined younger men desperately trying to prove that they too can exceed that very same record. With the proof thus supplied that the poundage ought to have been exceeded years ago, there exists no doubt that it
The next date
Five members entered the physique contest and judges were John Clements and Frank Morton: "Hoffman of Edinburgh". Ages of contestants. varied between 34 and 18 and training experience from a few months to as many years. The judges found it a tough job to sort out the winners, but, fortunately, found themselves in close agreement on the final placings. Bill MacArthur, 23, was the winner, closely followed by Micky Baird, 27, and John Doyle, 34, a very close third. Photos page 39.
will fall to the credit of a considerably younger man in the near future. I would not derive much personal satisfaction if I were that much younger man!
Other successes in gaining S.A.W.L. Awards were : H. R. Fenley, Mount Pleasant P.O., 11st. 63lb. Hold Out in Front-Lowered 56 lb. Gilt Medal Award for Veteran (with allowance). H. G. Yorke, Mount Pleasant, 10st. 5lb. Press on Bench 2211b. Society Diploma Award. Both feats performed on 2/2/65.
1965 Civil Service Strength Championships. Fixed for March 19th, 1965. Entries have been received in encouraging numbers. Should prove a record meeting in many respects.
to mark on the
calendar is 25 Sept. The world's best
physiques will be bidding for the 1965
Nabba Universe titles.